Monday, January 21, 2013


Why is everyone in this world and even more so in the restaurant world so cynical? And arrogant? And condescending?

Think before you say stuff next time. If its not positive, don't say it, ass hole.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013


Perhaps the greatest thing I learned in 2012 is humility. Acquired and toned through my time at The Clifton Inn, primarily through our guiding father Tucker Yoder, it has been a lesson and principle that I will not lose site of or forget any time soon.

So much of the world seems to be run by arrogance and boasting of ones self, and then you find those whom live quite a comfortable life yet complain or want things that are total luxury. If only we could all thing about those who don't know what they are going to eat next!!!! Or those washing dishes in New York City at a slamming restaurant for minimum wage everyday.

Caffeine? Alcohol? Fine coffee, fine wine? All luxury. Simple pleasures that we all don't need everyday, but imbibe on because we can.

Put's it all in perspective, think about others before complaining about yourself next time.

And think about those working for minimum wage or low pay, while cooking for the wealthy and extreme opposite next time.

The restaurant business is upside down in all ways possible.