Saturday, August 6, 2011


Recently, the restaurant here in Cabris was featured in the local (with a very high percentage of circulation) newspaper, called the Nice-Matin.

I haven't been able to find the article on the newspaper's website, but here is a picture of the article and photo of the staff.

-Wearer of blue aprons.

"According to French culinary tradition, white aprons are reserved for those who have ascended to the level of chef, having completed a journey that began as an apprentice wearing a blue apron. But within the kitchen of any Thomas Keller restaurant, everyone from the commis to the chef de cuisine, wears a blue apron during the hours prior to service, changing into white only once service begins.

While respect for tradition is a common thread among the kitchen staff, what's just as important is the desire to constantly learn. Everything can always be done a little better. Everyone can always learn something new. It's that constant exploration that allows the experience to continually evolve. Assuming an apprentice's mindset for a little bit each day is a reminder of that." -The French Laundry


Anonymous said...

Is that you in the dark apron on the right?

Collin said...

oui, Blue Apron.