First blog post. You all will have to bear with me, hopefully I will develop a blog voice in the coming weeks. In one week, Tuesday, March 23rd, at 6:00 in Washington, DC, I will be boarding a plane en route to Palma De Mallorca, Spain. I am embarking on this journey to work at a one Michelin star restaurant, at the Reads Hotel and Vespasian Hotel. I will be working the restaurant Bacchus. Once again I apologize for my dry writing at the moment.
I come back to the states on May 25th, four days before my sister Morgann's wedding.
I am nervous, anxious, excited, uncertain, and at the moment disillusional that it is truly becoming reality. A giant opportunity for me to not only increase my skill and experience in the kitchen but also as a person, learning a different culture, language, and lifestyle. Nervousness resides due to the huge step up this will be in the culinary artistry....the food is much more refined and precise then I have ever been exposed to. I can only hope that I will be able to hold up in the restaurant. Without any reservations I am sure that I will learn extraordinary things and my skill will be increased ten fold.
This opportunity came about due to the Swedish Exchange teacher, Lars Johansson, whom I will forever be in debt to. He has a house on the island, and is a friend of the Chef at the restaurant. Hopefully one day I will be able to treat him to the meal of his life at a restaurant that I own. Until then, I can only offer many "thanks" or, in Swedish, "Tack!!"
I am hopeful that during my stay on the island I will be able to provide all my family, friends, and random people that decide to read my less-than-average writing style with a insight into the kitchen, my day to day in Spain, and other occurrences!
Today I am counting down my time in Richmond(Midlothian), enjoying the beautiful weather, gathering things needed for the journey, and enjoying my last few nights at the restaurant I have worked at for the past year and some.
Acacia Midtown, which since being employed at, I have repeatedly insisted to all inquiring as the best food in Richmond, Virginia, today finally received the press it deserves. Today, Style Weekly awarded the team with "State of the Plate Best Restaurant 2010." A HUGE and well deserved award, Chef Dale, Phil, Chris, Andy, Star, Edgar, front of the house staff (and I, although deserving much less of the credit to compared to the others) have worked tirelessly the past year, and it shows in the food. Come out and eat, you will not be disappointed. I cannot express how proud, honored, and happy I am for the restaurant.
(In picture at the top, from left to right: Andy(stirring caramelized white chocolate), Me, Chef Dale, Phil, Star, Edgar, Chris)
Also deserving some words, Chef Dale was nominated as a Semi-Finalist in the James Beard Awards: Best Chef Mid-Atlantic. Finalists will be announced in the coming week I believe, and he certainly deserves a spot.
A sincere and big thanks is due to Sous Chef Phil and Andy, I have been working under them for over two years now, in the beginning at the Can Can Brasserie, and then following them to Acacia. They have been like brothers to me in the kitchen, teaching me and giving invaluable guidance. I will forever remember them, as they are my beginnings.
Hope this wasn't too painful of a read, thank you for taking the time to read it! Off now to Sur La Tabla/Williams Sonoma for some last minute kitchen items needed. Then to dinner service at Acacia. Half Price wine night, come eat! 7 Days until I depart! In the words of my Swedish friends Robert and Jonathan, who blogged their cross the United States van trip, "Stay Tuned for more information!"
Hopefully sooner rather than later!
Congratulations Collin and all of the Acacia staff. Bon voyage!
Best wishes, Deveron Timberlake
Thank you sir! I will pass your congratulations onto the team. Thank you for reading my blog!
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